JAMA New Awakening Conferences
New Awakening is JAMA’s conference, the general purpose of which is three-fold:
To mobilize God’s people to humble themselves, pray and seek God’s face in repentance of sin (2 Chronicles 7:14).
To humbly ask the sovereign Lord to revive His people and bring reconciliation and renewal to the land (John 3:8, Psalm 85:6, Acts 4:31, Romans 12:1-2).
To develop these participants as transforming agents of Jesus Christ, impacting America and the world for His glory (Zechariah 8:20-21, Matthew 28:19, Acts 26:16-18).
We desire to see in these gatherings the sovereign work of the Lord reviving His Church through prayer, biblical instruction, plenary sessions, and specialized track times (Psalm 19:7, Matthew 18:19-20, Hebrews 10:24-25). Our hope is that biblical truths and the Holy Spirit will spur the participants to shed their bystander mentality and passive hearts, inspiring them to be catalysts for Christ, and to raise men and women with the prayerful faith of Jeremiah Lanphier, the plea of John Erskine, and the conviction of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Ownership | Intercessory prayer | Leadership